sábado, mayo 18, 2024
Education and Culture

More than 480 mexicans completed a level of education at INEA in 2022: SEP / @Letamaya @SEP_mx >>>

#SEP.- Through the educational offer provided by the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), through the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA) throughout the country, during 2022, more than 480 thousand people completed an educational level that will allow them to continue their studies and have the tools to access opportunities for personal and professional development.

Of this figure, 46 thousand 739 people learned to read and write; 143 thousand 612 more completed primary school and 290 thousand 310 secondary school, thus exercising their right to education and ensuring their educational continuity.

Currently, INEA, through the 26 State Adult Education Institutes (IEEA) and 6 Operation Units, offers four study alternatives that respect people’s time and space, and are adapted to the needs and context of those who wish to start, continue or finish primary and secondary education or learn to read and write.

INEA restructured its educational offerings, updating and strengthening its educational materials, seeking to make them relevant, in line with the New Mexican School, with a focus on human rights, inclusion and equity.

The Education for Life and Work Model (MEVyT) contains face-to-face study sessions. This option is aimed at those who want to learn to read and write or study primary and secondary school with printed materials and with the support of an advisor.

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